Friday, October 12, 2007

Don't Smoke and Drive (Your Kids)!

California passed a law to ban smoking in a car that contains minors. My feelings are mixed.

I think smoking is a personal choice with which the government shouldn't interfere, but it crosses a line when you subject others to it. "The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins." It's irresponsible to force your kids to deal with the health hazards so you can get your fix. It's bad parenting.

In general, I think laws which treat smoking as a legitimate health issue are beneficial--but I also think we have too many laws. Hell, I KNOW we have too many laws. Every time we add a law to deal with stupid people, I'm concerned the law will trip me up in some way it wasn't intended for.

But the stupidest part of this is how the law is applied. It's a traffic ticket--and they can't even pull you over for it, it's only if they pull you over for something else. Traffic tickets are about revenue, not compliance. If you want to keep kids safe, you get DFACS involved the same way you would any extreme safety issue.

But writing traffic tickets? It's good for headlines, I s'pose.

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