Friday, February 08, 2008

Racist bookstore chain closes

Karibu Books, a chain in Washington D.C., is closing. Good riddance to those racist fucks.

Karibu was a "Black" bookstore that is just as bigoted as the groups it's trying to enlighten. There is no such thing as "Black". African? Sure. American? You bet. There's even the occasional African-American who is the child of an African citizen and an American citizen. (Obama '08!) I've had a lot of brown friends but never any black ones.

Even more disgraceful is when we try to assign characteristics or issues or interests to a single group, especially based on something as insignificant as the color of their skin. If there is no such thing as a "white" issue, then there is no such thing as a "black" issue.

I think the only "white issue" is the one the KKK has with "black" people. If we can all appropriately ridicule that, why are we accepting the idea of "black issues"?

Karibu, tho it may be well intentioned, is still set in the idea that we are not all Americans, that we are not all human, that we are not all creatures of this universe with diverse tastes and interests and concerns. In attempting to balance underrepresentation of authors who are black, they've ignored the fact that we shouldn't care whether or not an author is black.

There are many forms of bigotry and we cannot excuse any simply because the practitioners have been the victims of gross bigotry for generations. Fuck Karibu Books and fuck everyone who thinks that a person's interests are dependent upon the color of their skin.



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