Friday, February 08, 2008

Knight Rider comes back because Hollywood lacks writers for anything original

They're making a new Knight Rider movie. And KITT will be a Ford Mustang. Ugh. But here's my fave:
Sarah and KITT track down her best friend from childhood, Mike Tracer (Bruening), a 23-year-old ex-Army Ranger, whom Sarah hasn't seen since he left home at 18. Having served in Iraq, Mike is now jaded and lost and initially resistant.
This is all of that same superhero bullshit that everybody you meet was some special forces guy. If you're an ex-Ranger at 23, I can't think you were much of a Ranger. This isn't a knock on Rangers (I'll save that for later), but Rangers are (relatively) elite and they aren't made of guys that take a single tour and become so jaded that they quit.

Lots of guys have come back missing body parts and they don't have a Ranger or Airborne tab; many of 'em weren't even infantry, they're just guys who've been pushed to the line because the Young Republicans aren't willing to sign up their own asses.

Anyway. It's going to be a horrible movie and it'll be a horrible show, if it gets that far. The idea is completely unoriginal and amateur. And it's using a Ford. I wonder if they'll show it exploding in a rear-impact collision. Maybe it rolls over and the ex-Ranger sues the tire company, even tho no other car manufacturer has come close the instances of roll-over when using the same tires.

Ford sucks.

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