Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Modest Change: No more television.

My life is far more cluttered than I want it to be, so I'm going to begin instituting modest change: No more television.

When I get home from work after 2AM, I tend to turn on the television and surf a bit, watch some news, public access, maybe a movie. Because my laptop lacked wireless to work in the living room, I've been relegated to my office which lacks a DVD or VHS player. Similarly in the morning when I'm checking email. Yet the time I've spent watching television (or trying to watch television) was highly unrewarding. I quit.

Instead, I'll use this as an incentive to finish my MythTV setup--I'd had plans to build a MythTV system and use my laptop as the display, streaming live television or recorded programs. While this might mean I watch television again, it will be on my terms and I will choose what I want to watch and when.


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