Seventies Singer Songwriters on SNL
John Prine was the musical guest on Saturday Night Live, 16 October, 1976. Just him, a guitar and his disheveled hair and clothes. He played Hello In There and it's pretty damn incredible.

A studio version with slideshow:
A live version from years later:
My sister gave me the second season of SNL for Christmas; it's something I never would have thought to get for myself but I've really been enjoying it. Not only are the artists more talented, they seem to be able to push the line farther than they do now. And of all things, I've been enjoying the music, something I've almost never been able to stomach on SNL since I started watching as a kid.
When Paul Simon was the musical guest, he and George Harrison performed guitar duets of Here Comes the Sun and Homeward Bound. There seems to be a rare bond between them.
Labels: george harrison, john prine, paul simon, saturday night live, singer, songwriter
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