Monday, October 03, 2005

Hollywood creates fantasies, not facts.

A new study (and associated "Oh my God!" articles) notes that Hollywood shows a lot of sex and drugs but doesn't show safe(r) sex and drugs and ignores the possibly harmful consequences.

In other news, two plus two equals four and the Earth revolves around the Sun.

Hollywood creates fantasy, stuff to entertain us and make us forget about the hell we call our lives. If I wanted to hear about how people could get pregnant or catch AIDS or whatever sad moral bullshit story the authors felt we should be learning, I'd turn on the fucking news or open my front door.

Then again, I don't watch movies because they're putrid, teen-angst laden excrement that revolves around the meaningless faux issues that cater to brain-dead minimum wage workers and retards that watch Friends.

Excuse me while I go throw myself off the roof.


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