Saturday, October 08, 2005

A Review of Crazy/Beautiful: Give it a chance, it's much more real than you think.

Almost by accident, I caught Crazy/Beautiful a few years ago. The general melodramic teen "thing" bores me to tears and I had little hope for this film. I'm just glad I gave it a chance.

This movie isn't about meaningless teen schlock; these characters have real problems and issues that can appeal to everyone. It treats the characters very deeply, allowing them to make both good and bad choices and grow from those choices. As a viewer, you watch their lives and empathize and react to their struggles. This is a film that draws you in until it hurts to pull yourself away. But, it's not done cheaply such that you feel guilty or like the director tricked you into it.

None of the actors shine as the single "draw" but they each play their roles well. The story itself is wonderful and the dialogue unpretentious--it FEELS like something that could have happened to you as a teenager or even in your twenties. Scenery and music blend quietly into the package that pulls on you.

Some may call this a chick flick or a teen melodrama but it is far more real than that. Give it a chance to make an impression on you.

8 out of 10: Well above average and worth the price of admission. Watch it with someone you love.

[This was originally written as a review for IMDB.]


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