Saturday, March 06, 2010

Zero Tolerance Keeps Kids Safe by Suspending Girl Who Refused Drugs

The next time you vote for a "Get tough on crime" politician, send this girl an apology. Another student put an Adderall pill in Rachael's hand, Rachael said "No" and gave it back, Rachael was suspended for 5 days. Thank god "zero tolerance" is protecting our innocent school schildren.

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Slate's Prudence Helps a Young Boy with his Fetish

In Slate's section Dear Prudence, a mother writes in that she's concerned that her 13 year-old son has a fetish about rubber gloves. She saw him watching porn about it so she installed filtering software.
He was horribly embarrassed and guilty, and he promised to give up gloves forever. ... Should I try to stop him, or should I just chalk it up to a personality quirk and worry no longer?
Well, I wouldn't be too worried. Being 13 and horny is normal and we fetishize lots of "normal" things like blondes and redheads and Asian girls (if you're white) and white girls (if you're black) and big breasts and big dicks and Catholic school girls and Catholic school principals and a whole shit ton of other things. Of course, Prudence will consider this when telling the mom to offer some understanding toward the kid and allow him to be a little weird without worrying that it will scar him for life or make him a freak.
[Dr. Martin] Kafka recommends contacting the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers—not because your son is or will be an abuser, but because these professionals are knowledgeable about paraphilias.
Holy shit.

Really? You couldn't have just said, "Give him time and if his schoolwork starts slipping or he seems to be withdrawing socially, take him to see a psychologist who will help your son accept his fetish and teach him how to enjoy relationships with and without the fetish."

My mistake. I forgot that we used to think homosexuality was a contagious disease and masturbation would physically harm you. I forgot that this country was founded by Puritans who view anything sexual or enjoyable as sinful and evil.

Well, I guess she couldn't. Wouldn't be prudent.

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