Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Stripping Rights, One Group At A Time

In the United Kingdom, the House of Lords has overruled the High Court and removed a limitation that said victims had only six years to sue their perpetrators for compensation. How long do they have now? Eternity. Yup, sexual assaults are a special case where the idea of a speedy trial is absurd.

Yeah, the newsworthy case is the one where the rapist got 7 million pounds in the lottery, after the time limit had passed. Here's a news flash--good things happen to bad people along with the bad things that happen to good people. I'm sorry, that's life. But don't go around fucking up established law for one or two cases that are egregious.

The limitations are there to protect the rights of everyone. There are some rights people cannot have taken away. Even when those people commit crimes, even the most abhorrent.

Don't be jealous, though, the government will get around to stripping your rights soon.

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

QTOD: Black-owned Businesses and Chicken Thighs

"People aren't going to come to the store just because it's black-owned. They'll come because of the experience, the staff, the selection and quality. Otherwise they'll go to get a tiny yet cheaper selection of least common denominator "bestsellers" when they get their twenty-pack of chicken thighs at Costco."

Christopher Chambers, Author and Professor, Georgetown University, "The Implications are more frightening than the reprecussions"

[Editor's note: He misspelled repercussions, not I.]

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Dr. King says, "Drink Malt Liquor"

Last year, students at Tarleton State University celebrated Martin Luther King's birthday with "an off-campus party in which students dressed in hip-hop attire and sported 40-ounce bottles of malt liquor. Photos from the ``Bullets & Bubbly'' party were posted on"

These kids are not alone:
In October, a group of first-year law students at the University of Texas at Austin were chided by the dean for participating in a “Ghetto Fabulous”-themed costume party and posting pictures online. Partygoers carried 40-ounce bottles of malt liquor and wore Afro wigs, necklaces with large medallions and name tags bearing historically black and Hispanic names.
But don't be afraid, the government is ready to crack down on these horrific parties that occur on private property and without public funding or support and involve no one getting hurt.
“If you look up the definitions for stereotype, bigot and prejudice, you will see they all mean the same thing. All those words are based on prejudging another class of people, which is exactly what Dr. King was fighting against,” [State Rep. Garnet F. Coleman, D-Houston] said in a statement. “What these students did and the day they did it on shows they were trying to be purposefully ignorant and prejudiced.”
Actually, Mr. State Representative, "stereotype", "bigot" and "prejudice" mean different things.

Some photos were archived at The Smoking Gun.

I'm gonna get rich when I invent malt liquor flavored fried chicken.

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

QOTD: Tourists, prostitutes, politicians.

"``Would you patronize a streetwalker?'' No, I would treat her as an equal."

"``I didn't like to come to your town anymore. What makes New York so crummy these days?'' Uh, tourists."

"``Have you ever committed adultery in your mind?'' Um. Not in my mind."

"``Who do you think has the most charisma between Ford and Carter?`` Actually, anybody between Ford and Carter."

Dick Cavett, reading questions during the monologue on Saturday Night Live, 13 Nov 1976

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Friday, January 11, 2008

QOTD: Good satire

"The problem with good satire is that it's likely to come true."

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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

QOTD: She went crazy.

"And, then she went crazy. And not, I'm going to drink a bottle of Jack and then gang bang the football team crazy. No. She went suicidal. She almost set our apartment on fire."
--"Girlface", I hate Creed--Or how I know there are 52 Advil in my apartment on everything2

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Monday, January 07, 2008

Antonin Scalia asks if it's is in the Constitution

SCOTUS is hearing a challenge to executions by lethal injection, on the premise that the injections cause unnecessary pain:

Justice Antonin Scalia noted that execution methods that have fallen out of use — the electric chair, the firing squad, the hangman’s noose — have been abandoned in part because of fears that they were not pain-free.

But where is it written that the state must choose “the least painful method,” Justice Scalia demanded. “Is that somewhere in the Constitution?”

Ahem. The intelligent refer the stupid to Amendment VIII ("eight") of the U.S. Constitution:

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

And then a dictionary:

cruel adj. cru·el·er or cru·el·ler, cru·el·est or cru·el·lest
1. Disposed to inflict pain or suffering.
2. Causing suffering; painful.

So if there's a less painful method available and you choose the more painful one, that would seem cruel. Good to know ol' Tony is up on his Constitution. Dumbfuck.

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Sunday, January 06, 2008

QOTD: Hangings

"I'd vote for giuliani before obama, because at least we'd have the option of hanging giuliani from a tree when he pulls off what he wants, where as with obama, we'll be hesitant..."

A comment to the Republican debate in New Hampshire (ABC)

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QOTD: Bitch, you almost made me laugh.

"'Whats a Nubian?' Bitch, you almost made me laugh."
"What about you? You didn't tell me you were gonna scream 'Black Rage!'--I nearly pissed myself."
--Hooper X and Banky Edwards, Chasing Amy

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